Friday, June 27, 2008

Kinda gross

So I read this article awhile ago but it has really good advice on an embarassing subject. The underwear you wear during your workout is pretty important. Think back to highschool when you'd be giggling about the boys and their issues with jock straps and jock itch. Well...unfortunately girls can get a form of this as well. Any part of a body that is dark and damp from sweat will eventually have issues with itching. In the nether regions we are more prone to developing a type of bacteria (a.e.- the bacteria that is known as jock itch or the reason for jock itch). It is important to keep this area cleanafter our workouts ... and dry. One way to avoid the J.I. is to not wear thongs while you exercise. Choose an underwear that doesn't sit so close against certain areas and wear breathable fabrics. If you insist on thongs for working out and you notice an itch realted to J.I. than try cleaning your underwear with a bleaching agent. (make sure to rinse and follow normal washing procedures). It kills that pesky bacteria. Of course keep in mind that I am not a doctor or even a professional on this subject..I'm just passing along something I read and found valid. Always seek a doctor's advice if you have unusual symptoms and for guidance on how to treat it.


Wooo hooo! It's Friday!! Today was an awesome class:) After a class like that I know why I love jazzercise. When the body is full of aches and pains and the building is falling down around me and the toilet is overflowing and I'm still waiting for a fantastic payday...for just a moment during the hey hos and the laughter and smiles and the wonderful feeling of being strong...for just a moment....I feel joy and remember ...this is why I do this. Now hopefully this weekend I can rest my voice a little and come back next week not sounding like a frog!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hump Day:)

Ohhh this week is going by really slow......I've turned into a backyard bum hanging out and getting way too much sun (hey- I think that kinda rhymed). I feel inspired though- thanks to Katy Perry- I'm lovin her music right now. I hope we got some stuff from her in our next jazzercise set! I also read some great qoutes from George Carlin and it definetly helped lift the blah mood. Another great song I heard today was Jessica Simpson's new really does seem to suit her. The day has been uneventful..I'm off to teach and then coming home to dye my hair- I got a bottle o blonde and some deep red ...yikes!!! Plus it's fast food night- I look forward to that- no cooking no dishes...yea!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Oh Mondays

So I survived the weekend and summer is making me lazy cuz usually Sundays are my day to learn new music and put together a new set but that didn't happen until ten minutes before I left the house this morning to teach my class:) When the kids are in their pjs sleeping in I want to be in mine too! I messed up the first two songs and even if I have a great class the fact that I messed up a song will make me crazy for the rest of the day. And I know I'm not the only instructor that feels that way! We just want to always do 100% and even one song screwed up makes you feel like you didn't put your best foot forward. Since the day is almost over and I get another few classes to get it right I'll just end the whining with c'est la vie!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sippers in the house

So the center is overflowing with summer and sippers. Beach balls are everywhere and we even added a pool to the center.....of course it's very minature and not filled with water..instead lots of sippers. It's great to see all the color:) I'm working hard to get us out into the public eye-planning a charity class and contacting a local mom's group. It's the slow season for jazzercsie and I'm trying to come up with ideas to keep classes full and students interested!!! Of course- I really just want to be playing on the beach with my kids but ahhhhh...the life of a business owner:) I'm off to have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Uncomfy shorts

So todays class was body sculpting and in a regular class I'll only wear dark bottoms and usually lycra so that the sweat doesn't show. But for a sculpting class I'll wear cotton (still dark) but a little more breathable. I tend to not sweat as much in a sculpting class so I don't worry about the sweat spots. This morning though, as soon as I sat down on the ball...the world's biggest wedgie. And I'm in the middle of crunching and twisting and lifting so my hands were occupied. It sucked and then after the song it took about ten minutes to get those bottoms back into position:)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Embarassing moments in class

Hmmm....some of my own, some from other instructors, and students. Warning: Some of this may be TMI!
-Lost my top during class. I was student in the front row and the top had a clasp at the back- halter style. Yep. Good thing I don't have much boobie to show off.
-Fell over my own feet in class- of course the instructor had to stop class and make sure I was okay-geesh- I was so embarassed.
-Had breast milk leak during class- as a student.
-Lost a panty liner while on stage -happened to another instructor too- they just don't make them sticky enough!
-My fake hair on my pony tail fell off- on stage.
-Fell off of a stage while teaching (this happened to another friend of mine-more than once- and she actually broke her ankle)
-inadvertently flashing the students-your bra, underwear or lack thereof.
-Had make-up run so I had racoon eyes- didn't realize until after class and I go to the restroom and yikes! see myself in the mirror.
-The new mic pads ran black ink down the sides of my face and once again didn't notice until after class.
-Have had weird sweat marks- just two dark circles around the nipples and a big dark one in the you know where! Once again didn't notice until afterwards.
-dropping deodorant balls!
And probably the most embarassing - and I will not confirm where these came from or if they are personal experiences...
-farting out loud during a class and peeing of the pants during a very high impact song!
Hope everyone feels better now about their own embarassing moments in class- it all happens to the best of us:)